Senecio Glabellus


Senecio prior to bloom  Senecio in bloom
Senecio Glabellus "Butterweed"

Senecio is a large genus of more than 1,000 species of annuals, biennials, herbaceous perennials.  They are found worldwide in habitats ranging from mountains to seashores, and in dry to moist soils.  This variety is considered an annual that freely reseeds.  It consist of basal leaves that are rounded, toothed,  mid green, and deeply heart shaped at the base.  In early spring it bears flat corymbs of daisy like yellow flowers.  It should be grown in moderately fertile, well drained soil in full sun. 


Place Acquired:  Unknown, most likely grew wild here

Date Acquired:  Unknown

Planted out:  Growing originally and stays in Island bed 1

Details:  Began blooming 3/11/99, finished blooming and stalks cut off 4/17/99


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