


brunfelsia.JPG (21136 bytes)
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Brunfelsia australis, also known as Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow because of the flower's changeable color.  They open violet-blue, and over time fade to pale lavender, and eventually white.  All three colors may be seen on the plant at the same time.  The flowers are slightly fragrant, and are at their peak in April and May.  This is an upright growing, evergreen shrub, reaching an ultimate height of approx. 5 feet.  It is considered hardy in zone 9 and higher, but with mild winters and winter protection, may survive in deep zone 8.  Brunfelsias do best in locations that receive some shade, but not deep shade.  They require good drainage.  Cold damage will be reduced if the plants are thoroughly covered when temperatures below the upper twenties are predicted, and mulch thickly around the base (at least a foot) with pine straw to protect the crown.  Temperatures in the teens will usually kill the tops back even if covered, but with the protection of a heavy mulch, the base of the plant will usually resprout.  If planting in containers, avoid using an overly large pot, since slight underpotting encourages bloom. 


Place acquired:  Louisiana Landscape

Date acquired:  March 1999

Planted out:  Island bed 2, March 1999

Details:  Blooming upon purchase, continues to bloom April 19, 1999


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