

Plantain Lily

Hosta is a genus of about 70 species of mostly clump forming, occasionally rhizomatous or stoloniferous perennials from China, Korea, Japan and Eastern Russia.   Numerous hybrids have been raised, mainly in the US.  Hostas are grown primarily for their bold foliage, produced in dense mounds of overlapping, ovate to heart shaped or lance shaped leaves.  Hostas are very hardy, surviving temperatures to -40º F.  They perform best in zones 3 to 8.  Grow in fertile, moist but well-drained soil.  Hostas are shade tolerant and grow best with full morning sun in northern climates, and filtered shade in the South.  Hostas will tolerate drought, although a summer mulch to retain moisture is usually beneficial.

Date Acquired:  March 1998

Place Acquired:  Home Depot

Price:  Purchased several bags at approx $10 each, each bag with 10 dormant roots.

Planted Out:  Some planted in Shade bed, some planted in West Corner bed, some planted around tree in front yard.

Details:  Froze down, but started coming back in March 1999, sporadically, but all seem to be coming up now, April 27, 1999.