Cuphea Hyssopifolia or "Mexican Heather"
Mexican Heather is a quiet, unassuming, and utterly charming tropical
plant. This low growing shrubby plant has small 1/4 to 1/2 inch bright green leaves
and is constantly covered with tiny flowers from spring to late fall. If cold
weather didn't arrive, this native of Mexico would never stop blooming. Its texture
is fine, and its flowers, though small, can virtually cover the dense, mounding shrub.
The flowers are generally a pinkish-purple, but can also be pale lavender or white.
Generally reliable at surviving winters in the southern part of the state, Mexican
heather will also return from its roots in North Louisiana if the winter is not too
severe. It should be planted in spring after danger of frost is past, in locations
that receive morning sun and some shade in the afternoon, but it will grow in full sun if
kept well watered. Avoid poorly drained areas which tend to cause the plants to rot.
Mexican heather can be sheared back as needed to keep the plants shapely and full.