Agapanthus Dwarf variety "Peter Pan"
Agapanthus, also known as Lily-of-the-Nile, consist of slender stems
supporting loose clusters of 30 to 100 small, tubular flowers, which bloom for 2 months
among narrow, glossy, green leaves. Agapanthus make good potted plants north of Zone
8; they are evergreen in warm winters. There are up to 30 eye catching deep blue
blossoms on 3 foot stems; leaves are 4 to 10 inches long. They should be planted 2
feet apart and watered well during the growing season. Plants tolerate dryness while
dormant. South facing locations are preferable, as agapanthus leans toward light if
not in full sun. In northern zones, grow in large containers for porch or patio.
Hardiness rating zone 8-10.